Domain I: Lesson/unit plans in which students create in response of or to demonstrate theirlearning. Examples:
students will create a model of a cell
students will work in groups to create posters of mathematical concepts
students will select a teacher-prepared content topic and prepare a five-minute multi-media presentation
students will think and respond to their reading by creating a variety of graphic organizers in their reader’s notebooks
students will write letters to me regarding their connections to and questions of the text they are reading independently
students will publish original writing that emulates strategies used by published authors
Domain II: Classroom Management plan/logs of strategies used to foster positive classroom climate. Examples:
a description of how writer’s workshop (which is a structure/routine that allows for independent work) as described in the framework and how you implement it
a description of reader’s workshop/Daily 5 and how you implement it
a discipline plan
Domain III: Evidence of Instructional Delivery
take a photo of your essential questions
rubrics you use
samples of exemplary student work: read-response letter, reader’s notebook, published writing
take a photo of students working in groups
writer’s workshop, guided reading, and reader’s workshop/Daily 5 are differentiated by definition (if implemented as described in the framework). Briefly describe how you allow students choice in these strucutres (choosing writing topics, choosing texts, choosing response methods), how you differentiate instruction (writing conferences, reading conferences, guided reading with leveled texts), and how students grow individually (writing samples across time, guided reading progress monitoring chart).
Domain IV: Evidence of monitoring, assessment, and follow-up
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